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What Our Root Cause Clients have to say  . . .

Smiling Mature Woman with Gray Hair

 Katherine B.

When I first came to see Tricia, I was experiencing shortness of breath, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue and weakness with minimal exertion. I couldn’t walk across the floor let alone up the stairs without feeling horrible.   This has been going on for almost a year.   


I had already had a complete cardiac work up, seen a pulmonologist and had loads of bloodwork, even a hospitalization.  All the results were negative for any kind of infection or heart condition. The doctor said, “I’m sorry there’s nothing I can do for you”.    BUT my MSQ (Medical Symptoms Questionnaire) score was 42!   There was something very wrong.


I had recently moved to a new home and resigned from a nursing position at a nursing home caring for patients with Covid.   You and I met face-to-face and discussed my concerns in an open, calm and peaceful manner.   You explained and demonstrated some breathing exercises.


I was totally exhausted inside and out and you determined that my stress was causing my adrenal glands not to be working properly.  You prescribe supplements and confirmed this with lab work.   After this meeting I felt relieved that something could be done. 


I listened to the weekly group question and answer zoom meetings which were very helpful. I did not feel alone. The meditations at the end of the meeting gave me a sense of peace and calm. All this has made a big difference. I felt the support from you and the group .


What surprised me about working with you was that I could exhale and feel safe for the first time in a long time.   I learned that I can be still and I don’t have to be doing it all, all of the time. I can just be. I’ve learned so much.  And now I can run up the stairs and do my yoga without any difficulty breathing!!


Update . . . I continued to work with Tricia Thompson for the next 12 weeks for ongoing support.  I still got to enjoy the weekly Q&A’s and continue to heal!   


The results have been amazing and now with an MSQ of ZERO!!  No fatigue or shortness of breath,  I am graduating!  When I first came, I really thought my life as I had known it was over.   That my body was wrapping it up and I was literally dying.   


I am now doing Qi Gong and yoga, spending time with family and friends and I have my LIFE BACK!!!   I will continue the few supplements that you are recommending.   I want people to know that if they want to get their life light back they should work with you!   And there should be more of what you are doing to keep people healthy in the health field.   


I am grateful that I found you and this program. 



I feel like $1 million. Thanks to you and everything that you did while I was sick.   Rght now I’m teaching yoga in Rehoboth and I’m going to be teaching a diabetic class in Salisbury in May. I exercise every day. I’m eating mostly a plant-based diet. I have a cat and life is good. Keep up the good work.  I appreciate all that you have done for me. 


Loving kindness, 


 Katherine B.  Lewes, DE

April 16, 2023

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